Visual Coordination Training

Artikelnummer 80045

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Visual coordination training | Over 70 new and innovative agility ladder drills (Dynamic Body Control)

  • Maximize your dynamic body control
  • Optimize your perceptual skills, your reaction speed and your quality in movement
  • The perfect combination of coordination, mental and visual training
  • Reacting quicker and „seeing faster“
  • Intelligent running drills with additional tasks and its many variations
  • For all age groups and skill set
  • Perceive it, process it, put it into action – optimize your cognitive skills

Perceptual skills are crucial in sports. The faster an athlete is able to see the ball, a teammate or the open space, the better and the more effective his decisions and movements will be. Our video is the perfect guide to optimizing the cross-linkage between your eyes, your brain and the movements that you have to be able to execute in order to become a prolific, quick-thinking athlete.

Every athlete strives for a maximum amount of body control and agility. This not only requires a perfect synergy between mind and body, but also specific training of your visual skills. By combining the agility ladder drills with both the cognitive and the visual tasks you'll be able to optimize all of these aspects in the most effective way possible.

Get your copy of Visual coordination training now and eke out the pivotal seconds that can decide the outcome of games.

Training scope and contents:

  1. Basic agility ladder drills
  2. Cognitive tasks
  3. Additional tasks (arm movements)
  4. Visual tasks

We’re showing you many different drills from each of these categories in the video. Each drill can be combined with one or more drills from any of the other three categories. As a result you will have a variety of effective drills that will lead to excellent training results.

Actor: Samir Tanjo
Director: Nepomuk V. Fischer
Length: 52 min
Genre: documentation
Format: PAL